Upcoming Events



    I.S. 381K

    Election Day. No school for students.

    I.S. 381K

    Veteran's Day

    I.S. 381K
  • Parent Teacher Conference

    I.S. 381K
  • Thanksgiving Break

    No School.

    I.S. 381K
View Monthly Calendar


  • I.S. 381 Gives Back!

    I.S.381 Gives back to the community! 

    I.S. 381K
  • I.S.381 GOES PINK!

    I.S.381 Observed Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the entire Month of October!


    I.S. 381K
  • i-Ready Diagnostics

    Dear Families,

    On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, our scholars will take their Beginning-of-Year i-Ready Diagnostic Exam in Math (Wed) and ELA (Thu).  It is extremely important that they arrive to school on time for these important Baseline assessments.  In addition to being a part of their classroom grades, these diagnostics identify the key areas that our students excel in and the skills that they need extra help in.  Students will test during Periods 3 - 5 on each of these days.

    I.S. 381K
  • Beginning of Year iReady Assessments

    Dear Parents & Guardians,

    This coming week, all IS 381 scholars will be taking their Beginning-of-Year diagnostic assessments using the i-Ready software package.  This allows your child's teachers to see what specific areas your child excels in as well as what specific areas your child needs improvement on.  A second assessment will occur mid-year, usually in January, and again at the end of the school year in June so their progress can be monitored.

    The i-Ready ELA diagnostic is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4 and the i-Ready Math diagnostic is scheduled for Thursday, October 5.  Please ensure that your scholar is on time for school for these important exams.

    I.S. 381K
  • District 22 Middle School Fair

    District 22 will be hosting a Middle School Fair on October 5, 2023 at Intermediate School 14 (Shell Bank).  More information is available at our District 22 page.

    I.S. 381K
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Dear Parents & Guardians,

    This Thursday, September 21, IS 381 will be hosting our first Parent-Teacher Conferences.  This will provide our families with the opportunity to virtually meet your child's teachers to receive an overview on curriculum, academic expectations, classroom routines, and much more.  Please join us using one of the links below.

    4:30 - 5:00 PM - Meet the Administration & Support Team

    5:00 - 7:30 PM -- 6th Grade Teachers

    5:00 - 7:30 PM -- 7th Grade Teachers

    5:00 - 7:30 PM -- 8th Grade Teachers

    We look forward to seeing all of you there!

    I.S. 381K
  • Summer Vacation & Summer Assignments

    Dear Parents & Guardians,

    We have reached the end of another school year.  We want to congratulate all of our graduating 8th Graders as they move on to High School and beyond.  We are so proud of you!

    Summer assignments for our incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are now available on our Summer Assignment Page.  These assignments will be due the first week of school.  School will begin for all students on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

    Have a Great Summer!

    I.S. 381K
  • Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

    The calendar has been updated with some important events in March and April.

    Of note is Parent-Teacher Conferences, which will be held VIRTUALLY on Thursday, March 16.  Students will have a half-day of school on that day and be dismissed at 11:07 AM.  Please make arrangements if you normally pick up your child from school.

    We are heavily into getting our students ready for the New York State exams in both ELA and Mathematics, both of which will be given once we return from Spring Break.  Letters were backpacked home with students about the Spring Break Intensive Program, which will take place from Monday, April 10 through Thursday, April 13 in the IS 381 school building.  If you have any questions or wish to sign up your child, please call Principal Agard or the Parent Coordinator, Ms. Flores.

    I.S. 381K
  • 1st Marking Period Ends this Friday 10/28

    Students, Parents & Guardians,

    Just a reminder that the First Marking Period ends this Friday, October 28.  That means that all work must be submitted before Friday at 2:20 PM.

    Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, November 9, which is also Parent-Teacher Conference Day.  Students will have a half-day of classes that day.  A full schedule will be provided to you as November 9 gets closer.


    I.S. 381K
  • Welcome Back!

    Dear Students, Parents & Guardians:

    Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year at Intermediate School 381!

    Over the coming days, we will be posting a lot of updates on our website, including the new Bell Schedule, updated Staff Roster, the new Cell Phone policy and important events.

    Our first Parent-Teacher conference is scheduled for Thursday, September 22 from 4:30 - 7:30 PM.  This will be a remote conference.  More information will be provided once Principal Agard approves the schedule.

    Looking forward to a great School Year!

    I.S. 381K
  • Summer Vacation & Summer Assignments

    Dear Students, Parents & Guardians,

    On behalf of the entire I.S. 381 community, we wish you and your family a very happy and healthy Summer Break.

    Summer ELA and Math assignments have been sent home with your child.  If you need a copy, you can find one on our Summer Assignments page.

    The first day of school for students will be Thursday, September 8, 2022.

    Have a Great Summer!

    I.S. 381K
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