Summer Assignments
Welcome (back) to Intermediate School 381!
Summer assignments are posted below. Please choose the correct files for the class you are ENTERING. For example, if you were in 6th Grade until June 2022, you will choose the 7th Grade Assignment.
All students have TWO assignments to complete.
All assignments are due the first week of school. The first day of school will be Thursday, September 8. Your subject class teachers will tell you how to submit your assignments.
Incoming Sixth (6th) Graders
Incoming Seventh (7th) Graders
Incoming Eighth (8th) Graders
8th Grade ELA Summer Packet 2023 or 8th Grade ENL Summer Packet 2023
If you have been told that you are taking Algebra, then complete the Algebra assignment. If not, then complete the Math assignment. You do not have to complete both.
8th Grade Math Summer Packet 2023 or Algebra Summer Packet 2023