Cell Phone Policy

IS 381 School Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy

According to Chancellor's Regulation A-413, students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to school: cell phones, laptops, tablets, iPads, and other similar computing devices, and portable music and entertainment systems.  With the exception of cell phones, all other electronic devices are NOT permitted on school property.  School administration has the duty to put a system in place to manage the proper use of cell phones.  We would like to share our school based cell phone policy for the 2022-2023 School Year.

Phones are NOT to be used during school hours.  Every students is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch.  The Yondr Pouch is school property.  It is every student's responsibility to bring their Pouch with them to school daily and keep it in good working condition.

As students arrive at school, they will:

  1. Turn their cell phone off before entering the building.
  2. Place their cell phone and other wearable technology, including ear pods, smart watches, etc., inside their Pouch and secure it in front of school staff.
  3. Store their Pouch in their backpack for the day.

As students are dismissed from school:

  1. Assigned staff members will open students Pouches as they exit the building.
  2. Students will remove their phone and put their Pouch in their backpack.  Students must bring their Pouch to school with them every day.

If any student arrives late to the school building or is picked up early, they will pouch/unpouch in the Main Office, Room 328.


  • If a student damages or loses their Pouch, the student's parent and/or guardian must pay for the cost of the replacement.
    Each Pouch has a cost of $25.  Examples of damage include, but are not limited to: ripping, cut, torn, pen/pencil marks, bent or cut pin, signs of force to the black button on the flap.   
  • If a student is caught using their phone and/or wearable technology such as ear pods during school hours, the device(s) will be
    confiscated by Administration.
  • It is the student's responsibility to contact their parent or guardian and inform them of the confiscation.  Students may call from
    the Main Office (room 328).
  • The phone/device will be placed in a secure location until the parent or guardian can retrieve it, at which time there will be a 
    Parent Conference with Administration.

  • Students who forget their Pouch at home will have their devices collected and locked up for the day.  The device will be returned
    to the student after dismissal.  Students can pick their device up from the Main Office.
  • If a student consistently forgets their Pouch, it is considered to be lost.  

  • Multiple student violations (three or more of any of the above violations) can lead to the following additional disciplinary measures:
    in-school suspension, removal from school-sponsored activities, removal from school-sponsored trips.